Thursday 10 November 2011

Have a Love Feast with us at Agape Restaurant!

Agape is greek for Unconditional Love, so we thought we'd have to celebrate the festive season with a Love Feast at Sydney's finest organic restaurant, Agape, in Botany. 

Our dear friend Deb King has lined the Feast up for 8pm on Friday 16th of December 2011...

It will be a set menu (slightly different to past 2 evenings for those who have been before) and cost $63 per head including service, NOT including drinks. A selection of Rosnay wines will be available at the bar and Sam Statham will be there to talk a bit about them and organic farming generally. 

In case you dont know Agape, its the venture of acclaimed chef Simon Lawson, and his sisters and mother. The whole family are not only huge advocates of quality, reasonably priced organic food, but also generous supporters of the organic movement and those less fortunate than us in Africa through the Agape Community.

Check it out and join us on the 16th!! Being a famous restaurant and all we will need to book in early. Email or call Sam on 1300 767629 to book.

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